This three-part series is intended to support you during these difficult times by guiding you in developing a winning mindset and building a thriving business.

In Part 1, I shared a brief overview of the nine elements of a winning mindset. In Part 2, I will delve more deeply into Elements 1 – 4.


  • ⇒ Element #1: Vision & Values (Part 2)
  • ⇒ Element #2: Empowering Beliefs (Part 2)
  • ⇒ Element #3: Goals (Part 2)
  • ⇒ Element #4: Focus (Part 2)
  • ⇒ Element #5: Perseverance (Part 3)
  • ⇒ Element #6: Confidence (Part 3)
  • ⇒ Element #7: Growth Mindset (Part 3)
  • ⇒ Element #8: Resilience & Performing Under Pressure (Part 3)
  • ⇒ Element #9: Communication Skills (Part 3)

You will benefit the most from this article when you…

Ponder on each of the following questions and write down your answers. This will help you gain clarity about where to focus your attention in order to bring your business to the next level.

⇒ Element #1: Vision & Values

What is your short and long-term vision for your business?

A winning mindset requires a clear vision! It demands conscious awareness of your core purpose in order to create a compelling vision. Use the following 7 Steps to craft a powerful vision for your business:

Step 1: Clarity About Your Core Purpose

  • Getting clear on your WHY is very important in creating a powerful vision.
  • Why does your business exist?
  • Why do you want to serve others with your products and services?

Step 2: Imagined Future of Your Business

  • What does the future of your business look like?
  • Imagine a future in which your business is doing well.

Step 3: Define Success

  • Define what success is for you. It can be very different for every entrepreneur.
  • What does success look like for your business?

Step 4: Core Values

  • What are your five core values? List them in order of importance to you.
  • If you need support in determining your core values, reach out to me and I will send you a values exercise.

Step 5: Timeline

  • What is your timeline? When do you want to achieve your vision?
  • Ideally, your vision should project at least five to ten years in the future.

Step 6: Inspiration

  • What would be an inspiring and exciting objective that motivates you?  

Step 7: Focus on Your Success

  • See your business as thriving and successful.

⇒ Element #2: Empowering Beliefs

What would your life and business look like if you had no limitations? 

Limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, fears – we all have them! We learn our beliefs through our parents, our teachers, our experiences, and what we read, see, and observe. Some are empowering and some are limiting.

These beliefs act as filters. They create a particular perception of reality. If the belief enhances your self-image, well-being, creativity, courage, and ability to achieve your goals, then it’s empowering. Empowering beliefs are an essential part of a winning mindset.

Exercise: How to Create Empowering Beliefs – A 3-Step Process

To create empowering beliefs, you need to go beyond your current beliefs and address any limitations you might have.

For the following exercise, write down every belief you can think of and contemplate each statement you create. Include beliefs about yourself, your business, financial situation, abilities, etc.

Step 1: Discover Your Hidden Beliefs

Take the time to dig deep and uncover your limiting beliefs! Think about any limitations you might have. I believe…

  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • I can’t _________.

Step 2: Why Are They True?

Next to each belief, write your answer to the following questions:

  • What’s been the advantage or disadvantage of having this belief?
  • Did I ever consciously choose to believe this? If so, why did I do so?
  • How am I defined by holding on to this belief?
  • Who would I be if I did not have this belief?

Now ask yourself:

Is this just a self-imposed limitation that I put on myself because someone told me so or did I do so to avoid some discomfort or pain?

Step 3: Create New Empowering Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be deleted, transformed, or replaced with empowering beliefs.

What would you like to believe instead?

A good place to start is to identify the opposite of a limiting belief, but don’t stop there. You can enhance each new belief so that it feels supportive and positive.

Try on these empowering beliefs:

  • “I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.”
  • “All of my limitations are just temporary boundaries that I can change or transcend.”

And continue the process by reinforcing your new beliefs at least twice a day! 

⇒ Element #3: SMART Goals

What are your goals for the next three months, one year, and three years?

Creating a winning mindset requires that you set SMART goals: Specific,  Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Step 1: Specific Goals

Your goal should be clear and specific. When creating your goal, answer these questions: What do I want to accomplish? Why is this goal important to me?

Example: I want to gain the skills and experience necessary to create a 7-figure real estate business so I can live my preferred lifestyle.

Step 2: Measurable Goals

You need to track your progress so you will stay motivated. A measurable goal should address a question such as: How will I know when it’s been accomplished?

Example: I’ve met my goal of creating a 7-figure business when I’ve achieved certain milestones, such as getting a license and building a supportive network, and sold 1000 houses for a profit, etc.

Step 3: Achievable Goals

Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable. It will answer a question such as: How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

Example: Is it realistic to create a 7-figure real estate business, based on my existing experience and qualifications?

Step 4: Relevant Goals

Does this goal matter to you? Is it aligned with other goals?

Example: Is now the right time to undertake the required training, getting a license, and building a large network that will support my goal?

Step 5: Time-bound Goals

Every goal needs a deadline to focus on and something to work toward.

Example: How long will it take for me to acquire these skills, a license and building a large network? What can I do today?

⇒ Element #4: Focus

Focus is a powerful tool that will enable you to perform at a consistently high level and be both effective and efficient in your work efforts. As a result, you will produce better quality work, have more success and achieve your goals.

To develop your ability to focus, use the following steps:

Step 1: Free Up Your Mind

A cluttered mind can’t focus. Go through your list of tasks and prioritize them. Clear your mind of anything that doesn’t relate to your work. Ask yourself…

  • Where is my focus right now?
  • Which project is the most important that I finish?

Step 2: Right Work Environment

  • Simplify your work environment by removing unnecessary clutter to allow for optimal performance.
  • Block out distractions that interfere with your productivity.

Step 3: Use Technology Wisely

  • Turn off the notifications on your devices so you can focus on the task at hand without distraction or interruption.


Element #1: Vision & Values

  • Step 1: Clarity About Your Core Purpose
  • Step 2: Imagined Future of Your Business
  • Step 3: Define Success
  • Step 4: Core Values
  • Step 5: Timeline
  • Step 6: Inspiration
  • Step 7: Focus on Your Success

Element #2: Empowering Beliefs

  • Step 1: Discover Your Hidden Beliefs
  • Step 2: Why Are They True?
  • Step 3: Create New Empowering Beliefs

Element #3: SMART Goals

  • Step 1: Specific Goals
  • Step 2: Measurable Goals
  • Step 3: Achievable Goals
  • Step 4: Relevant Goals
  • Step 5: Time-bound Goals

Element #4: Focus

  • Step 1: Free Up Your Mind
  • Step 2: Right Work Environment
  • Step 3: Use Technology Wisely

Supporting You…

I´m available to support you through this difficult time by re-imagining your business, creating a powerful vision, getting clear on your values, setting SMART goals, developing optimal focus, and changing your fears, anxieties, and mental blocks into empowering beliefs.

Contact me for a complimentary 30-minute strategy session:

Let me know if this article was interesting and helpful. Leave a comment!

Coming Up…

In my next article, I’ll share Part 3  (Elements 5 – 9) on how to develop a winning mindset that will support you in building a thriving business.

Stay tuned!

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This article series was published in an online magazine! Click the links below to find the articles in the magazine:

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 1

Mindset Mastery Series for Entrepreneurs – Part 2


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